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WWE SmackDown 8/18 Results: Edge vs Sheamus Full Match & Winner

WWE SmackDown 8/18 Results: Edge vs Sheamus Full Match & Winner

Views: 1588 | | By Jitu Jangir

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Toronto, 18 August 2023 - Here is the full recap for Edge vs Sheamus which airs live on August 18, 2023, live from Scotiabank Arena in Toronto, ON.

WWE SmackDown 8/18: Edge vs Sheamus Full Match Recap

They exchange a handshake before getting into the action. Edge initiates with a side headlock followed by a swift shoulder tackle. They grapple, and Sheamus gains control with a wrist lock and a side headlock. Sheamus responds with a forceful shoulder tackle of his own. He then executes a uranage backbreaker move.

We return to the action, and Edge starts off with a series of punches. He follows up with a springboard back elbow maneuver. Edge then executes an Edge-O-Matic, coming close to a pinfall. Edge directs Sheamus to the apron and smoothly slides under, delivering a power bomb to the outside floor. After bringing Sheamus back into the ring, Edge connects with a crossbody move, coming close to another near fall.

Edge readies himself for a Sharpshooter attempt, but Sheamus thwarts it by kicking Edge away. Sheamus responds with a tilt-a-whirl power slam, nearly getting a pinfall. Sheamus then aims to execute forearm strikes on the apron, but Edge counters and lands a series of punches. Edge switches to delivering knees to Sheamus' midsection, causing him to tumble onto the apron. In a fierce move, Edge spears Sheamus through the ropes and onto the outside floor.

After a commercial break, we return to find Sheamus applying a Cloverleaf submission hold on Edge. Edge responds with forceful forearms to the back of Sheamus' legs and his back. Edge transitions into a crossface submission hold, but Sheamus manages to reach the ropes to break the hold. Edge charges into the corner but gets met with Sheamus' boots. Sheamus struggles to ascend the turnbuckles, and Edge halts his progress with a well-placed boot to the head. Edge positions himself on the turnbuckles, executing a successful superplex and following it up with Edgecution for a near fall.

Undeterred, Edge returns to the turnbuckles, but Sheamus intervenes with a timely kick to halt Edge's plans. A back-and-forth exchange of punches ensues between Sheamus and Edge. Sheamus incorporates forearms into the mix. Sheamus then lifts Edge for a super Air Raid Crash. Seizing the moment, Sheamus positions for the Celtic Cross and lands the move, coming very close to a pinfall victory.

On the apron, Sheamus delivers a series of forceful forearms across Edge's chest. Edge defiantly urges Sheamus to continue the onslaught. Sheamus responds with more impactful forearms. In a fiery exchange, Edge slaps Sheamus before landing a clothesline.

Edge then readies himself for a spear, but Sheamus counters with a jumping knee followed by his signature Brogue Kick. He comes close to securing a pinfall. Sheamus prepares for another Brogue Kick, but Edge evades, rolling up Sheamus for a near fall. Edge counters with a spear, earning another near fall.

Refusing to relent, Edge charges in with yet another spear, this time securing the three-count pinfall victory.

WWE SmackDown 8/18: Edge vs Sheamus Match Winner


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