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WWE Monday Night Raw Results March 4, 2024: Live Coverage, Winners, Commentary, Recap

WWE Monday Night Raw Results March 4, 2024: Live Coverage, Winners, Commentary, Recap

Views: 5014 | | By Jitu Jangir

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Here is the live coverage for this week's Monday Night Raw which is scheduled to air on March 4, 2024, at the Frost Bank Center in San Antonio, TX.

Monday Night Raw currently airs live on Monday evenings on the USA Network from 8:00 ET–11:00 PM ET in the United States. WWE Raw starts live at 1 am in the UK on BT Sport 1 on Tuesday mornings.

WWE Raw Time In Australia: It airs live on Tuesdays at 10 am (AEST) on Fox8

WWE Raw Time In Canada: It airs live every Monday at 8 Am on Sportsnet 360

WWE Raw Time In South Africa: The show also airs live on Supersport in South Africa on Tuesdays at 02:00 am CAT

Raw Time In Italy: In Italy, Raw airs live on Dplay 2:00 pm

WWE Raw Time In India: Raw airs live on Sony Ten 1 HD and Sony Ten 1 in India at 6:30 am

WWE Monday Night Raw, March 4, 2024: Live Coverage

San Antonio was buzzing, eager to hear Cody Rhodes discuss his upcoming championship match against Roman Reigns at WrestleMania. But Rhodes had other things on his mind. He revealed a recent social media storm stirred up by The Rock, who seemingly changed the narrative surrounding the highly anticipated title bout.

Rhodes recalled a private conversation with The Rock, where the legend initially discouraged him from challenging Reigns. However, as fan sentiment shifted, so did The Rock's stance, leading to a series of online videos and a contentious segment on SmackDown.

The Rock's unexpected challenge wasn't just for Rhodes. With a dramatic entrance, Seth "Freakin" Rollins joined the ring, ready to address this new wrinkle.

Rhodes acknowledged Rollins' offer to be his backup against The Bloodline, a gesture of solidarity. He emphasized his hard-earned right to challenge Reigns and his focus on winning the Undisputed title. However, he understood that Rollins, recently cleared to compete, had his own championship match against Drew McIntyre to contend with.

Rollins, ever the passionate competitor, declared his intention to handle both McIntyre and The Rock's challenge. He emphasized the bigger picture: dismantling The Bloodline and preventing Roman Reigns' stranglehold on power.

Heaping criticism on The Rock, Rollins quipped with a new nickname: "Diarrhea Dwayne." He challenged The Rock to prove his earlier threats and questioned his recent dedication to the industry. "The People's Champion" of old, Rollins argued, had become a distant memory.

Vowing to confront The Rock on SmackDown, Rollins offered unwavering support to Rhodes, asking if the feeling was mutual.

Rhodes, fueled by the exchange, delivered a concise message for The Rock. He reminded him of his humble beginnings, hinting that he wouldn't engage in The Rock's self-indulgent tactics. However, he vowed to stand alongside Rollins on SmackDown, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

Dominik Mysterio (w/ JD McDonagh) vs. GUNTHER

The match commences with Dominik launching a surprise kick to GUNTHER's gut. Unfazed, GUNTHER effortlessly throws Dominik across the ring. A brief exchange ensues, with Dominik shoving GUNTHER and landing a chopping blow. The fight spills outside the ring, and McDonagh jumps in to intervene. However, GUNTHER overpowers McDonagh, shoving him back-first into the ring post. As GUNTHER attempts a chop, his hand meets the unforgiving steel of the post instead.

Dominik doubles down, slamming the post with the body of GUNTHER twice before they both re-enter the ring. Back from the break, GUNTHER unleashes a relentless barrage of chops on Dominik, leaving him reeling. He then applies a punishing Boston Crab, but McDonagh disrupts the hold by leaping onto the ring apron. Forced to break the hold, GUNTHER becomes vulnerable as Dominik capitalizes with a dropkick, sending him flying outside the ring. Dominik follows up with a daring crossbody over the ropes, followed by a chop on GUNTHER.

The bigger man retaliates with a chop of his own before tossing Dominik back into the ring. Dominik regains momentum, sending GUNTHER crashing into the ropes. He attempts his signature 619 maneuver, but GUNTHER anticipates it and levels him with a clothesline, nearly securing the pin. Undeterred, Dominik transitions into a second Boston Crab, but this time, he's unable to maintain control as GUNTHER powers out. GUNTHER attempts a powerbomb, but Dominik counters with a quick roll-up. However, GUNTHER kicks out and sends Dominik reeling once again. With renewed momentum, Dominik executes his signature 619, soars through the air, and prepares for the finishing blow. However, GUNTHER displays remarkable agility, dodging the attack and connecting with a powerful dropkick. He then manhandles Dominik with a devastating powerbomb and transitions seamlessly into a Boston Crab. Unable to withstand the pressure, Dominik is forced to tap out, handing the victory to GUNTHER.

WINNER: Gunther

The scene shifts backstage, where we find the members of Damage CTRL casually strolling around. Adam Pearce, an official, intercepts them, inquiring about their presence. Dakota Kai, one of the members, clarifies that as the reigning Women's Tag Team Champions, Asuka and Kairi Sane (the other two members) are free to appear on either Raw or SmackDown. Pearce, seemingly curious about their repeated visits to Raw, presses for their specific reason for being there this time. Kai explains their presence as mere spectators, interested in observing the upcoming match between Shayna Baszler and Zoey Stark.

Meanwhile, Shinsuke Nakamura approaches Pearce, eager to discuss the Intercontinental Championship situation. Damage CTRL, aiming to reassure Pearce, interjects, claiming Nakamura poses no threat. Pearce, seemingly unfazed, informs Nakamura that an announcement regarding GUNTHER's WrestleMania opponent for the Intercontinental Championship will be made later that night.

After a brief commercial break, the focus returns to the ring as Shayna Baszler and Zoey Stark make their grand entrance. Their opponents, Kayden Carter and Katana Chance, follow suit. Interestingly, Damage CTRL has taken up seats at the announcer's table, seemingly intent on closely observing the upcoming match.

Kayden Carter and Katana Chance vs. Shayna Baszler and Zoey Stark

The opening moments see Baszler waste no time, targeting Carter's arm with a forceful stomp. Stark then enters the fray, only to be met with a swift kick to the chest and another to the face from a determined Carter. Baszler tags back in, and Stark immediately connects with a powerful superkick. Stark then positions Carter precariously on the top turnbuckle, creating an opening for Baszler to launch a running knee strike, sending Carter crashing ringside.

After the commercial break, Stark lands another impactful superkick on Chance. Seizing the momentum, she scales the turnbuckles. However, Chance isn't one to back down, joining Stark at the top. In a surprising maneuver, Carter makes a blind tag, leaving Stark confused. Stark attempts to push Chance off the ropes, but Carter capitalizes on the opportunity, climbing up to join Chance. In a breathtaking display of teamwork, they execute a dazzling double Spanish Fly on Stark. Chance then legally enters the match and peppers Stark with a series of forearms, only to be met with a counter superkick from Stark. Carter retaliates with a swift superkick of her own, followed by their signature finisher, "The Afterparty." As Chance attempts to secure the pinfall victory, Baszler intervenes, breaking the crucial count. In a desperate attempt to save her partner, Chance rushes to Carter's aid. However, Stark seizes this brief window of opportunity, rolling up Chance for a quick and decisive victory.

WINNER: Shayna Baszler and Zoey Stark

Following the match's conclusion, Damage CTRL entered the ring. Dakota Kai, one of the members, extended their congratulations to both Baszler and Stark for their impressive performance. She then extended a formal challenge on behalf of Damage CTRL, offering Baszler and Stark an opportunity to compete for the Women's Tag Team Championship held by Asuka and Kairi Sane. However, there was a catch: they would only receive this shot if Damage CTRL successfully retained their titles on the upcoming episode of "NXT." Baszler, clearly eager for the opportunity, snatched the microphone from Kai and expressed her unwavering acceptance of the challenge.

After a brief commercial break, the focus shifted to the ring, where Becky Lynch made her grand entrance, followed by her opponent, Nia Jax.

Becky Lynch vs. Nia Jax

The opening bell clangs, and Lynch wastes no time, aggressively launching Jax into the corner. She unloads a flurry of stomps, but Jax retaliates, forcefully driving Lynch into the opposite corner and unleashing a barrage of shoulder strikes to the midsection. Lynch regroups and connects with a dropkick on Jax, followed by a soaring forearm strike. Jax, however, responds with a powerful body slam and a corner splash, culminating in a thunderous elbow drop. Lynch attempts to counter with a sleeper hold, but Jax exhibits her immense strength, powering Lynch into the corner to break the hold. She then capitalizes with two brutal hip attacks delivered in the corner.

Undeterred, Lynch displays her agility, scaling the turnbuckles and launching a missile dropkick that sends Jax sprawling outside the ring. Lynch regains momentum and connects with a baseball dropkick. However, as she attempts a daring leap from the ring apron, Jax anticipates the move and catches Lynch mid-air, executing a devastating Samoan Drop.

Following the commercial break, Jax ascends the turnbuckles and connects with a punishing leg drop on Lynch. As the match progresses, Lynch attempts to execute her signature Man Handle Slam, but Jax cleverly blocks the maneuver. Lynch quickly demonstrates her resourcefulness, transitioning into a hurricanrana and utilizing the momentum to climb back to the top turnbuckle. From this elevated position, she lands a senton on Jax. Refusing to back down, Jax counters with another Samoan Drop, then drags a weakened Lynch towards the corner, strategically positioning her for a finishing move. With victory seemingly within reach, Jax ascends the middle turnbuckle, preparing to unleash her signature A-Nia-Lator. However, Lynch displays remarkable resilience, dodging the potentially devastating attack. Capitalizing on this critical opening, Lynch swiftly locks in her signature Dis-Arm-Her submission hold. Jax, desperate to escape the excruciating hold, resorts to unconventional tactics, maneuvering her way out of the ring. Unfortunately for Lynch, this escape attempt results in her being inadvertently slammed against the ringside barricade by Jax. As the referee tends to the injured Lynch, a surprising figure emerges from the crowd. Liv Morgan, seemingly out of nowhere, delivers a flying forearm strike from atop the barricade, causing the referee to disqualify Jax for this illegal outside interference.


In the aftermath of the disqualification, Morgan enters the ring and engages in a heated verbal exchange with Lynch. Jax, seemingly enraged, intervenes, forcefully pulling Morgan out of the ring and sending Lynch crashing into the ring post in the process. Jax then adds insult to injury by delivering a brutal leg drop to Morgan.

The scene shifts backstage, where Ricochet presents his case to Adam Pearce, advocating for himself as the rightful challenger to GUNTHER's Intercontinental Championship at WrestleMania. However, his argument is interrupted by the arrival of Judgment Day, who counter with their own argument, firmly believing JD McDonagh deserves the title shot.

After the commercial break, we see Lynch confront Morgan, expressing her vehement disapproval of Morgan's interference in the match. However, Morgan remains undeterred, readily accepting Lynch's challenge for a match next week. Ripley, seemingly unfazed by the drama, calmly walks past Lynch.

Back at ringside, Andrade El Idolo enters the arena, drawing the attention of the crowd.

Following the commercial break, Adam Pearce addresses the audience through a video message, revealing the fate of GUNTHER's WrestleMania opponent. He announces a Gauntlet Match next week, featuring Sami Zayn, Ricochet, Shinsuke Nakamura, Bronson Reed, JD McDonagh, and Chad Gable, with the winner earning the coveted title shot against GUNTHER at WrestleMania 40.

As the excitement settles, Apollo Crews emerges at ringside, ready for his upcoming match.

Andrade El Idolo vs. Apollo Crews

The opening bell tolls, and the two competitors engage in a respectful handshake. They lock up in a test of strength, but El Idolo quickly throws a wrench into the plans with a swift boot to Crews' jaw. Crews retaliates with a well-timed dropkick, sending El Idolo reeling. Seizing the opportunity, El Idolo scales the turnbuckles, aiming for a high-flying attack. However, Crews anticipates the maneuver and follows El Idolo to the top, executing a breathtaking superplex that brings both men crashing down to the mat. El Idolo displays his resilience, bouncing back with his signature "Three Amigos" maneuver, a series of three consecutive suplexes.

He attempts to capitalize with a pinfall attempt, but Crews showcases his fighting spirit, kicking out at the two count. Unfazed, Crews regroups and connects with a powerful dropkick, turning the tide of the match. El Idolo demonstrates his technical prowess with a smooth arm drag followed by a back elbow strike. He wastes no time capitalizing on his momentum, attempting another pin, but Crews showcases his durability once again, kicking out at the crucial two count. El Idolo doesn't relent, launching a pair of double-knee strikes into the corner, targeting Crews' midsection. He then executes his finishing move, "La Sombra," securing a decisive victory and claiming the spoils of the match.

WINNER: Andrade El Idolo

Judgment Day vs. Imperium

The opening bell rings, and Balor and Kaiser lock up in the center of the ring. After a brief struggle, Vinci enters the match, tagging in and landing a punch to Balor's stomach. Balor retaliates swiftly with a dropkick to Vinci's face, then shoves him into the corner. Priest, eager to join the fight, tags in and throws Vinci with force into the opposite corner. He unloads a barrage of punches and stomps on Vinci before Kaiser tags in, desperate to gain control. Priest meets Kaiser's aggression head-on, leveling him with a powerful boot. He follows up with a right hand, staggering Kaiser. However, Balor becomes impatient and tags himself in, momentarily disrupting the flow of the attack. They attempt a double-team maneuver on Kaiser, but he manages to escape. Balor then unleashes his signature scissor kick, followed by a series of elbows to Kaiser's head. He attempts to control Kaiser with an abdominal stretch, but Kaiser wriggles free and sends Balor crashing shoulder-first into the ring post. Kaiser and Vinci launch a coordinated double dropkick on a stunned Balor.

After the commercial break, Vinci tags in and attempts to prevent Balor from tagging Priest by delivering a dropkick to him as he stands on the ring apron. Vinci and Kaiser then work together to wear Balor down with a series of double-team attacks. Vinci follows up with a bodyslam and an elbow drop, further establishing their dominance. He then connects with a clothesline on Balor, leaving him reeling, before tagging in Kaiser. Kaiser attempts to maintain momentum with a running knee strike, but Balor manages to land a retaliatory kick to his face.

Kaiser attempts to tag out to Vinci, but he's mysteriously absent from the ring apron. This crucial moment opens up a window of opportunity for Priest to tag in. He wastes no time, executing a devastating elevated flatliner on Kaiser. He then transitions into a series of back elbows, targeting both Kaiser and Vinci in opposite corners. With Vinci now outside the ring, Priest capitalizes by delivering his signature Broken Arrow on Kaiser. He attempts to finish the match with his Razor's Edge maneuver, but Kaiser cleverly avoids it. Balor, sensing an opening, makes a blind tag, unbeknownst to Kaiser. Kaiser attempts to roll up Priest, unaware that he's not the legal competitor. Balor capitalizes on the confusion and rolls up Kaiser, but the resilient Kaiser kicks out at the two count. In a desperate attempt to regain control, Vinci grabs Balor's ankle from outside the ring, providing an assist to Kaiser who executes a powerful Death Valley Driver on Balor. Vinci then tags back in, but Balor fights back with a well-timed Sling Blade. He regains momentum with a dropkick on Vinci in the corner and ascends the turnbuckles. From this elevated position, he connects with his signature Coup de Grace, a high-flying maneuver, and goes for the pin. However, Kaiser intervenes, breaking the pinfall attempt just in time. Priest, ever the opportunist, recognizes the situation and pulls the top rope down, allowing Balor to launch himself outside the ring and take out Kaiser. Back in the ring, Priest capitalizes on the distraction by delivering his South of Heaven finisher on a weakened Kaiser, securing the victory for Judgment Day.

WINNER: Judgment Day

Sami Zayn vs. Ivar (w/ Valhalla)

Zayn and Ivar lock up in the center of the ring. Ivar wastes no time, taking Zayn down with a powerful powerslam. Zayn, however, refuses to stay down and retaliates with a flurry of right hands. He then levels Ivar with a clothesline, sending him crashing outside the ring. Determined to maintain control, Zayn leaps over the top rope, taking out Ivar with a daring aerial maneuver. He throws Ivar back in the ring and follows up with a back elbow strike. Displaying his agility, Zayn ascends to the middle turnbuckle, preparing to execute his signature Tornado DDT. However, Ivar anticipates the move and cleverly prevents Zayn from executing it, tossing him out of the ring in the process. Ivar capitalizes on the momentum, launching himself over the top rope with a senton onto the fallen Zayn.

After the commercial break, Ivar attempts to gain the upper hand by setting up a suplex from the middle turnbuckle. However, Zayn showcases his quick thinking, countering the maneuver with a well-timed crossbody. Despite Zayn's efforts, Ivar remains relentless, sending him crashing into the corner. Unfazed, Zayn unleashes his signature Tornado DDT, momentarily stunning Ivar. Ivar regroups and connects with a spinning back heel kick on Zayn, followed by a devastating powerbomb. He then positions Zayn precariously on the top turnbuckle, seemingly setting him up for a finishing move. However, Zayn displays remarkable resilience, countering with a Sunset Flip maneuver. Ivar, refusing to yield, connects with a right hand, momentarily regaining control. Zayn attempts to regain momentum with an Exploder suplex into the corner, but Ivar anticipates the move and blocks it. Nevertheless, Zayn demonstrates his perseverance, successfully executing the Exploder and setting his sights on his finishing maneuver, the Helluva Kick. Ivar, displaying his fighting spirit, counters with a senton and ascends to the top turnbuckle. He aims to secure victory with a moonsault, but Zayn exhibits remarkable reflexes, rolling out of the way just in time. Seizing this critical opening, Zayn connects with his signature Helluva Kick, securing a decisive victory and claiming the spoils of the match.

WINNER: Sami Zayn

Drew McIntyre vs. Jey Uso

Jey wastes no time, landing a powerful right hand on McIntyre. He aggressively sends McIntyre crashing onto the ring apron and follows up with a well-timed enzuigiri, a leg strike to the head. Jey isn't finished, he bounces McIntyre's head off the apron with brutal efficiency. However, McIntyre isn't one to back down easily, he retaliates by forcefully throwing Jey over the announce desk, a statement of his own strength and defiance.

After the commercial break, the action resumes with Jey connecting with another enzuigiri on McIntyre. He displays his athleticism by scaling the turnbuckles and launching himself with a crossbody onto McIntyre. However, McIntyre quickly regains control, unleashing a barrage of right hands on a stunned Jey. He follows up with a powerful back elbow, further establishing his dominance. The intensity escalates as both competitors find themselves entangled on the ropes, with McIntyre attempting his signature "White Noise" maneuver from the middle turnbuckle. Jey, showcasing his agility, manages to escape and counters with a devastating sit-out powerbomb. Determined to secure victory, Jey scales the turnbuckles once again, preparing for a high-flying attack. Unfortunately for Jey, McIntyre anticipates his move and connects with a spinebuster, effectively turning the tables. Seizing the momentum, McIntyre levels Jey with a clothesline, sending him crashing outside the ring. He maintains his offensive momentum by delivering a vertical suplex on Jey outside the ring, leaving him reeling.

Following another commercial break, the fight continues outside the ring, with McIntyre connecting with another right hand to Jey's head. He relentlessly sends Jey crashing into the barricade and ring apron, showcasing his aggressive fighting style. They eventually return to the ring, and Jey starts to regain control, landing a kick to McIntyre's head followed by a kick to his midsection and a stinging open palm strike. He then capitalizes with a Samoan Drop, a powerful slam maneuver, and a Hip Attack, a signature move of the Usos.

Jey, displaying his aerial prowess, attempts a "tope suicida," a high-risk dive outside the ring, targeting McIntyre. However, McIntyre showcases his awareness and dodges the attack. He capitalizes on the opening by executing his signature "Future Shock DDT," a devastating maneuver that leaves Jey momentarily stunned. Suddenly, the atmosphere changes as Cody Rhodes' music hits, and he sprints towards the ring. He wastes no time targeting Solo Sikoa, Jey's brother, sending him crashing into the ring steps with a forceful attack. He follows up with a clothesline, sending Sikoa over the barricade, and engages in a brawl with him through the crowd, adding another layer of chaos to the already intense situation. Back in the ring, McIntyre prepares to deliver his finishing move, the "Claymore Kick," but Jey displays remarkable resilience, landing three consecutive superkicks on McIntyre in a desperate attempt to regain control. As the action reaches its climax, Jimmy Uso appears in the crowd, seemingly distracting Jey. This distraction proves costly as Jey turns around right into a perfectly executed Claymore Kick from McIntyre, sealing Jey's fate and securing the victory for McIntyre.

WINNER: Drew McIntyre

In the aftermath of the match, Jimmy, fueled by the loss, grabs a chair and enters the ring with malicious intent. Before he can use it on Jey, however, Seth "Freakin" Rollins appears out of nowhere and lands a swift superkick on Jimmy, effectively disarming him. However, the celebration is short-lived as McIntyre surprises Rollins with his signature Claymore Kick, sending him sprawling to the mat. With both potential challengers neutralized, McIntyre stands tall in the center of the ring, his message clear: he is the dominant force, and he will not be easily dethroned. As the show fades to black, McIntyre's image of dominance remains etched in the minds of the viewers.

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