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NXT Stand & Deliver 2024 Results: Shawn Spears vs. Joe Gacy Full Match & Winner

NXT Stand & Deliver 2024 Results: Shawn Spears vs. Joe Gacy Full Match & Winner

Views: 2761 | | By Jitu Jangir

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Shawn Spears vs. Joe Gacy takes place on Saturday, April 6, 2024, at the Wells Fargo Center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

The match starts at a special start time of 12:00 p.m. Eastern Time.

NXT Stand & Deliver 2024: Shawn Spears vs. Joe Gacy Full Match Recap

The tension is thick in NXT as Ridge Holland lays a vicious chair shot on Joe Gacy as he enters the ring. The bell rings and the brawl is on! Spears is thrown to the mat with a back drop while Gacy dives over the top rope with a pescado. Gacy scales the turnbuckles but Spears cuts him off with a butterfly superplex.

Spears takes control, hammering Gacy into the ropes before launching him into the ring post. Back in the ring, Spears grinds his forearm into Gacy's lower back before following up with a brutal backbreaker. Spears throws punches but Gacy fires back with chops of his own. They trade blows, neither man backing down. Spears scores a takedown and locks in the Boston Crab.

Gacy digs deep to reach the ropes and force a break from the Boston Crab. Spears wastes no time, hoisting Gacy onto the turnbuckles and following him up. But Gacy fights back with sharp elbows, knocking Spears down to the mat. As Spears leaps for another turnbuckle attack, Gacy meets him with a punch. He capitalizes with a crossbody, but Spears counters with a quick roll-through for a near fall.

Gacy regroups and overpowers Spears with a Saito suplex. He lays in punches and follows with a flurry of running forearms. A boot connects, and Gacy transitions into a German suplex. He traps Spears in the corner with an elbow, followed by a clothesline and a short-arm clothesline.

Gacy builds momentum with a high-risk quebrada but only manages a near fall. Spears cuts him off with a punch just as he attempts a suicide dive. The fight spills outside the ring where Spears sends Gacy crashing into the apron with a boot to the head.

Spears slingshots Gacy back into the ring and connects with a hanging DDT for another near fall. He tries to put Gacy away but is met with resistance. Spears dodges a uranage and throws Gacy with an arm drag. He goes for a roll-up but again comes close but not close enough. Gacy isn't finished. He counters with a uranage of his own for a near fall. The brawl spills back outside the ring where Gacy dropkicks Spears and follows up with a back senton on the apron. He scales the turnbuckles but misses a swanton bomb.

Spears seizes the opportunity, setting up for a Pedigree. He connects but only manages a two count. Spears throws a superkick but Gacy bounces off the ropes and blasts him with a rolling elbow. Gacy attempts a handspring clothesline but Spears counters with a jumping knee. # Gacy narrowly escapes a C4 and connects with the handspring clothesline for the three count.

NXT Stand & Deliver 2024: Shawn Spears vs. Joe Gacy Match Winner

WINNER: Joe Gacy

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