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AEW Dynamite Results, December 6, 2023: Live Coverage, Winners, Commentary, Recap

AEW Dynamite Results, December 6, 2023: Live Coverage, Winners, Commentary, Recap

Views: 3360 | | By Jitu Jangir

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Montreal, December 5 - Here are the full results for this Wednesday's AEW Dynamite Episode which is slated to air live on December 6, 2023, at the Bell Centre in Montreal, QC.

AEW Dynamite airs every Wednesday (Tuesday Special on October 10) at 8 pm ET on TBS in the United States. In Canada, AEW Dynamite is available through the TSN website. In India, AEW Dynamite airs on Eurosport every Thursday at 6:30 AM IST.

The show is available on the TSN Direct streaming service at 10 pm Eastern, the same time that the show will air live on TNT and FITE TV.

AEW Dynamite Results December 6, 2023: Highlights

Singles Match: Jon Moxley vs Rush

Rush executed a suplex in the match's opening moments, visibly exacerbating Moxley's shoulder injury. Taz offered an insightful analysis, adeptly describing the previous damage to Moxley's shoulder, while a replay highlighted the impact.

The skirmish between Moxley and Rush spilled into the crowd, prompting the commentary team to observe the referee's leniency in not initiating a count-out. Taz voiced his approval for the referee's decision to allow them to continue their brawl outside the ring. When they returned to the ring, Rush and Moxley engaged in a heated exchange of chops, eliciting a "Let's Go Moxley" chant from the enthusiastic crowd.

Taking advantage of the situation, Rush positioned Moxley in a seated posture in the corner and teased executing his finishing move, prompting Moxley to defensively cover up. However, instead of proceeding, Rush struck his signature Tranquilo pose. In response, Moxley defiantly rose to his feet and gestured defiantly toward Rush. The action spilled to ringside, with Rush eventually suplexing Moxley into the barricade just as the broadcast transitioned to a picture-in-picture commercial break.

In the latter part of the match, Rush tried to execute his Bull's Horns finisher, but Moxley swiftly rose and delivered a powerful clothesline. Subsequently, Moxley executed his devastating Death Rider maneuver on Rush, covering him for a near fall. Wasting no time, Moxley transitioned into his Bulldog Choke submission hold. Despite Rush's frantic attempts to break free, he eventually succumbed to unconsciousness.

Jon Moxley emerged victorious over Rush.

WINNER: Jon Moxley

Rush maintains his standing at 3 points.

Onscreen, Jay Lethal and Jay White engage in a conversation about their upcoming match.

Renee Paquette is on stage with Roderick Strong and the Kingdom. Strong takes a moment to criticize MJF and, in a surprising twist, dramatically rises from the wheelchair, declaring it a miracle. Slamming the microphone down, he asserts that the chair held him back for far too long.

Returning from the commercial break, Adam Page makes his entrance, acknowledging his defeat at Full Gear but insisting that the rivalry is far from over. MJF interjects, launching into a verbal assault on Page. Although Page initially walks away, he returns after another insult from MJF. A back-and-forth banter ensues between them. MJF goes so far as to accuse Page of being the Devil. Samoa Joe steps in, intervening between the two and sending MJF away, emphasizing the significant match awaiting them.

Continental Classic Gold League: Mark Briscoe vs. Swerve Strickland

Locking up, Briscoe executes an armdrag, swiftly transitioning into a side headlock takedown. Continuing the momentum, Briscoe shifts into a hammerlock, followed by a shoulder block. Swerve counters with a side headlock reversal, but Briscoe retaliates with a kick and a series of chops. A 2-count follows a well-executed suplex by Briscoe, accompanied by an uppercut.

Swerve counters, delivering a kick in the corner and a forearm off the rope to the back of Briscoe's head. Swerve follows up with a neck breaker for a near fall. Back elbow by Swerve adds to the offense. Briscoe, however, sends Swerve to the floor and follows up with a precise dropkick. Chops are exchanged on the apron before the action spills to the floor. Briscoe is sent into the crowd, and Swerve suplexes him back into the ringside area, leading to a commercial break.

Returning from the break, Swerve unleashes uppercuts and a neckbreaker. Briscoe responds with his signature Redneck Kung Fu, delivering a flying forearm and a high boot into a Fisherman Buster for a 2-count. Swerve counters by sending Briscoe into the buckle, executing a German into a face buster. A roundhouse kick results in a close 2-count for Swerve. Briscoe fights back with chops, sending Swerve to the floor with a punch, and follows it up with a Tope.

Back in the ring, Briscoe lands a lariat for a near fall. Swerve thwarts the Jay Driller attempt, hitting a death valley driver. Swerve then executes a Swerve Stomp, securing the pinfall victory after blocking a Froggy Bow and countering with a rollup. The 15-minute mark is noted in the match.

WINNER: Swerve Strickland

Samoa Joe & MJF vs. The Devil's Masked Men

Surrounding Joe are four masked men, and suddenly, the lights go out. When they come back on, MJF is discovered in the back, incapacitated, with a broken beer bottle beside him. The broadcast then goes to a commercial break.

Samoa Joe hastily rushes to the backstage area to assess the situation.

Backstage, Moxley expresses contentment with his performance thus far. Swerve approaches him, acknowledging that their upcoming match will undoubtedly be an exciting one.

Ben Mankiewicz of TCM introduces the AEW Women's Champion.

AEW Women's Championship: Toni Storm w/Luther and Mariah May vs. Skye Blue

The match begins with a lockup, and Storm executes a headlock takeover. Blue responds with a headscissor maneuver, and Storm maintains control with another headlock. Blue counters with an arm twist takedown, but Storm reverses the momentum. Storm follows up with a running forearm, and Blue answers back with a flying headscissors. Storm delivers a substantial forearm, and with Luther's assistance, he tosses Blue to the floor. Storm adds a chop and breaks up the count, executing a hip attack against the rail before the broadcast goes to a commercial break.

Upon returning, the champion falls victim to an enziguiri. Blue capitalizes with a diving crossbody for a 2-count. Storm retaliates with a snap German suplex. Attempting a hip attack, Storm misses, allowing Blue to connect with a hip attack and a running boot to the face. Blue executes a Code Blue for a close 2-count. Storm turns the tables with a superplex, followed by a hip attack and a rollup for the pinfall victory.

WINNER: Toni Storm

Continental Classic Gold League: Jay Lethal vs. Jay White

The contest begins with a lockup, prompting a spirited "let's go Jay" chant from the crowd. Lethal takes control with a headlock, leading to a sequence of counter wrestling and escapes that culminate in a stalemate. White retaliates with a chop, and Lethal responds with a rollup for a near fall, adding an eye rake for good measure.

The crowd in Canada chimes in with a dual "Let's go Jay! Jay, you suck" chant, adding a touch of lively engagement to the atmosphere.

Lethal strategically targets White's knee with an elbow, but White counters with a DDT, and the action leads to a commercial break.

Upon returning, White asserts dominance, knocking Lethal to the canvas. Lethal battles back with a punch and a lariat, followed by a backbreaker. Lethal showcases his strength with a Torture Rack suplex and attempts the Randy Savage elbow for a 2-count. A pump kick from Lethal keeps the momentum in his favor, but he hyperextends White's knee in a tactical move. White counters with a Brainbuster for a close 2-count. The two competitors engage in a chop exchange, and White executes a snap dragon suplex.

White blocks Lethal Injection and strategically clips Lethal's knee. A rollup by White secures the pinfall victory, bringing the match to a decisive end.

WINNER: Jay Lethal

TNT Championship: Christian Cage vs. Adam Copeland

Killswitch and The Prodigy are conspicuously absent as Cage makes his entrance. Copeland opens the match with a sharp slap, following it up with a choke that forces Cage to seek refuge at the ropes. Copeland unleashes a series of Sheamus-like forearms to Cage's chest, sending him to the floor. Taking the action outside, Copeland repeatedly slams Cage into the announce table. Cage scurries back into the ring, pleading for mercy, but Copeland blocks a low blow and retaliates by stomping on Cage's hand. Copeland then wrenches Cage's fingers and sends him back to the floor with a boot to the face before slamming him into the post. A throat punch by Cage ensues as the match heads into a commercial break.

Returning to the live action, Cage resorts to eye rakes against Copeland. Despite Copeland's attempts to rally, Cage counters with a back elbow. Copeland bites Cage's hand and executes a Russian Leg Sweep off the second rope. A kick from Cage is followed by Copeland snapping Cage's neck on the top rope and delivering a diving clothesline. Both competitors find themselves on the floor, with Cage eventually sending Copeland into the steps and back into the ring. The champion attempts a Frog Splash but only manages a 2-count.

Copeland blocks a spear, hitting a DDT for another close 2-count. Heading to the top rope, Copeland has his leg swept by Cage. Copeland counters a superplex attempt with a Liger Bomb for another 2-count.

Cage resorts to an eye rake, and Copeland blocks a Killswitch, securing a 2-count with a rollup. Copeland executes a forward power bomb for another 2-count, transitioning into a Crossface. Cage manages to reach the ropes, prompting Copeland to unleash a ground-and-pound assault. Cage counters with a Killswitch after avoiding a spear, but he misses a subsequent spear attempt.

In a surprising turn, Copeland accidentally clips the referee, leading to Cage stomping the referee to incapacitate him. A collision of heads between Cage and Copeland creates a momentary standstill.

Enter Nick Wayne's mom, who enters the ring and seizes the championship belt. She delivers a decisive blow to Copeland with the belt, setting up Cage to execute the Killswitch. Cage follows it up with a ruthless stomp to Copeland's neck, securing the pinfall victory.

WINNER: Christian Cage

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