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WWE SmackDown 9/8 Results: AJ Styles Beats Jimmy Uso In The Main Event

WWE SmackDown 9/8 Results: AJ Styles Beats Jimmy Uso In The Main Event

Views: 2670 | | By Jitu Jangir

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Boston, September 8 - This week on SmackDown, AJ Styles secured a win against Jimmy Uso. In the main event of the September 8th episode of SmackDown, Styles faced off against Jimmy Uso. It was a tough challenge for Styles as he refused to allow The O.C. to be present at ringside during the match, meaning there was no O.C. support. Despite dealing with interference from Solo Sikoa, Styles managed to claim victory in the main event against Jimmy Uso.

Below check out the full recap of the match:

Both superstars are in the ring, The bell rings and Jimmy goes for a Superkick, but Styles avoids it and takes him down with a kick on his legs, Uso gets out of the ring to feel some relaxation. Styles once again gain the control. Styles with a kick to the back of the neck of Jimmy. The referee is checking on Jimmy. Meanwhile, Styles with a kick to the face and he rolls out of the ring, The referee is trying to stop Styles.

Jimmy gets back into the ring and lands a left hand to the chin of Styles. Jimmy Uso once again rolls out of the ring. Meanwhile, Styles with a Basement kick to take him down. Styles gets on the apron, but Jimmy with a Superkick to take him down. Styles still hangs on the apron. Meanwhile, Solo along with Paul Heyman appears there.

Jimmy throws up a smile and sends Styles head-first into the ring steps, We go to the commercial break. We are back and Jimmy drops Styles over the head, Styles is down in the corner, and Jimmy lands some punches and goes for a ring-shaking impact. Jimmy goes for the cover, but Styles kicks out right there. Styles tries to gain the power, but Jimmy drops Styles to the mat.

Both men trade punches, with Jimmy landing a kick to the back. Meanwhile, Styles responds with a Pele kick that brings Jimmy down. Styles quickly regains control and tosses Jimmy out of the ring. Styles hits Jimmy with a forearm off the ropes. He then sends Jimmy back into the ring and gets ready for a Phenomenal Forearm, but Jimmy manages to avoid it. Styles counters with a backbreaker and goes for the cover, but Jimmy kicks out.

Jimmy retaliates with some punches and goes for a cover, but it's only a near fall. He follows up with a headbutt, while Styles executes a DDT from the top rope for another cover, but Jimmy kicks out.

Styles heads to the apron, but Jimmy delivers a massive Superkick while Styles was distracted by Solo and Heyman at ringside. Styles is sent to the floor, and Solo approaches Styles, but Jimmy also joins in. Styles fights back, taking down Solo. Styles then gets Jimmy back into the ring and finishes the match with a Phenomenal Forearm for the cover and the victory.


After the match, Solo enters the ring, but Styles rolls out. Out of nowhere, Priest attacked Styles when he was making his way out of the arena, Finn Balor also joined there and they sent Styles back into the ring only to be handled by Solo. Solo with a Samoa Spike on Styles.

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