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WWE NXT Results July 25, 2023: Live Coverage, Winners, Commentary, Recap

WWE NXT Results July 25, 2023: Live Coverage, Winners, Commentary, Recap

Views: 162 | | By Jitu Jangir

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Here is the live coverage of WWE NXT which is scheduled to air live on July 25, 2023,f from Capital Wrestling Center with a full action-packed match card.

Make sure you follow us on social so that you can come to know about momentary announcements and the latest results of WWE NXT and others. WWE NXT is broadcasted on USA Network [8 PM ET on Tuesday ] [You can watch WWE NXT live at 5:30 in India on Sony Ten 1/1HD/3/3HD every Wednesday morning].

WWE NXT Time In Canada: It airs live every Friday at 8 Am EDT on Sportsnet 360

WWE NXT Time In South Africa: The show also airs live on SuperSport Variety 3 in South Africa on Thursdays at 02:00 am CAT

NXT Time In Italy: In Italy, NXT airs live on Dplay 2:00 pm

WWE NXT Results February 28, 2023 & Winners

Last week, Dominik Mysterio achieved an impressive victory over Wes Lee to become the North American Champion. As the Women's Champion Rhea Ripley enters the ring, she and Dominik address the WWE universe, emphasizing that Judgment Day runs the WWE, and they express confidence in Finn becoming the new Heavyweight Champion and Damian Priest as "Senor Money in the Bank." Rhea praises Dom's accomplishment as the North American Champion and refers to Mami (presumably Rhea's mother) as the greatest Women's Champion.

Dom proudly claims that he has finally brought relevance to the Mysterio name in WWE. Rhea acknowledges Lyra Valkyria, possibly a newcomer or someone seeking an opportunity, and warns her not to step up to Rhea.

Wes Lee interrupts the celebration, expressing frustration over losing the North American title to Dom and demands a rematch. Rhea believes that a new champion is what NXT needed, while Wes insists that NXT needs a "new" North American Champion tonight, implying that he wants a rematch immediately.

Suddenly, Mustafa Ali interrupts the confrontation, showing respect for Wes but not for Dom. He accuses Dom of stealing catchphrases and moves from others and blames Wes for allowing Dom to get the title shot. Ali wants his chance at the title back.

Tempers flare as Wes and Ali confront each other, and Dom manages to slip away from the situation. The segment ends with tensions running high between the three competitors.

Following this confrontation, McKenzie interviews Tony and Channing. Tony expresses gratitude for the fan support, while Channing vows to reclaim the streets of NXT by winning the titles on Sunday.

Bronco Nima and Lucien Price appear and challenge Tony and Channing, promising to make a name for themselves in tonight's match.

The focus then shifts to the upcoming match between Lyra Valkyria and Rhea Ripley. Lyra explains that she's been in NXT for seven months and wants to prove herself by facing Rhea. She admires Rhea's journey from NXT UK to the main roster and doesn't want to wait for opportunities but create them herself.

It's clear that emotions are running high, and tensions are building in the NXT scene, setting the stage for some intense rivalries and matches.

Joe Gacy, Jagger Reid, and Rip Fowler (with Ava) Vs Carmelo Hayes, Trick Williams, and Ilja Dragunov

Hayes and Gacy kick things off, engaging in a series of moves and counters. Gacy gains control with a wrist lock and a leg sweep, but Hayes manages to counter and go for a near fall with a leg sweep of his own. Trick tags in and delivers a dropkick to Gacy. Rip enters the match after a tag and lands a side headlock and shoulder tackle on Trick. However, Trick fights back, blocking Rip's hip toss and slamming him to the mat. Trick follows up with a shoulder tackle and a pop-up uppercut. Ilja tags in and works on Rip's arm, delivering chops and a back senton. He continues with punches and an Irish whip, executing a knee into the corner and a knee drop off the turnbuckles. Ilja applies a waist lock, but Rip counters with a wrist lock and backs him into the corner. Jagger tags in but misses a clothesline, allowing Ilja to hit a German suplex and hold on for another. Jagger elbows his way out of a third German suplex and tries to fight back. However, Ilja catches him with the Konstantin Special. Trick tags back in, unleashing forearms and an Irish whip on Jagger. But Jagger manages to kick him and deliver a clothesline. Jagger then punches Hayes on the apron, which leads to Hayes getting involved in the match. Rip and Jagger attempt a double suplex, but Hayes and Trick counter with springboard clotheslines. Hayes gets tagged in and exchanges moves with Jagger before trying to kick him, but Jagger avoids it. They lock up, and Jagger gains control with a wrist lock and Irish whip, but Hayes counters with an arm drag and a dropkick. Hayes follows up with a side headlock, and Rip tags in to kick Hayes in the back. Jagger sends Hayes throat-first into the ropes and hot shots him on the apron. Rip lands a European uppercut, punches Hayes, and gets a near fall. Rip continues with more punches and an elbow to the throat, using the ropes for an advantage. Rip then keeps Hayes down with a reverse chin lock.

Hayes manages to fight back with punches and a kick to Jagger. He attempts a sunset flip, but Rip holds on to the ropes to prevent it. Trick tags in and punches Gacy, going for a dropkick and a jumping knee. Trick and Gacy team up for a flapjack, followed by Trick clotheslining Gacy over the top rope. Ilja tags in and clears the ring of Jagger and Rip. He tries to hit Torpedo Moscow on Gacy, but Gacy moves, causing Ilja to send Trick into the steel steps. Gacy returns to the ring, aiming for a handspring clothesline, but Ilja counters with a knee. Gacy responds with a waist lock and knees, attempting a Saito suplex, but Ilja manages to kick out. Jagger tags in and lands punches on Ilja. Ilja fights back with chops to both Jagger and Rip. He kicks Jagger and punches Rip, but the opponents manage to hit a powerbomb and neck breaker combo on Ilja. Meanwhile, masked men pull Jagger and Rip off the apron as Gacy misses a splash.

Ilja prepares for Torpedo Moscow, but Hayes tags in and hits Nothing But Net on Gacy for the three-count, securing the victory for his team.

WINNERS: Carmelo Hayes, Ilja Dragunov, and Trick Williams

After the match, Hayes confronts Ilja, seemingly having some issues with him. He holds Trick back, possibly trying to prevent any further conflict between the two.

Next, the broadcast shows a video package featuring Tiffany Stratton. She confidently proclaims herself as "IT," highlighting her young age of 24 and claiming that she is far from reaching her prime. She believes she embodies what a women's champion should be and declares that she is better than anyone else. Tiffany expresses her determination to retain the Women's Championship at The Great American Bash, emphasizing that she won't lose it to a 19-year-old competitor like Thea. She dismisses Thea's energy and claims that she won't let her win the title. Tiffany adamantly denies tapping out in their previous match, clarifying that her hand merely grazed the mat but did not tap. Despite the controversy, she's willing to grant Thea a rematch but calls the idea of a submission match "despicable." Tiffany seems fully confident in her abilities and assures the viewers that she will remain the champion after The Great American Bash.

Additionally, it's revealed that the North American Title Match at The Great American Bash will now be a Triple Threat Match, adding more excitement and unpredictability to the event.

Von Wagner Vs Javier Bernal Bernal attacks with knees and punches, but Von counters by sending Bernal into the corner and delivering a splash. He continues his assault by sending Bernal into the turnbuckles and follows up with more punches. Von then lands a boot and more punches to keep the pressure on. Finally, Von executes a uranage, getting the three-count and securing the victory.

WINNER: Von Wagner

After the match, Von sees Bernal lying near the announce table and decides to put him through it. He removes the hood from the table and power bombs Bernal through it, intensifying their rivalry.

Suddenly, Bron Breakker attacks Von from behind, unleashing a barrage of punches. Bron then grabs a chair from under the table and swings at Von, but misses as referees rush out to intervene and prevent further escalation.

Backstage, Gable Steveson is seen making his way through the area, followed by Ilja Dragunov. Carmelo stops Ilja and tells him that their issues are on hold until their match. Trick appears and pushes Ilja, to which Ilja tries to show some respect and avoid further conflict, warning Trick that he will break him if he comes at him.

Hayes steps in and reminds Trick that he has a match against Ilja on Sunday, so they need to act professionally. Meanwhile, Gable Steveson heads to the ring for a promo.

Gable introduces himself as a 2020 Olympic Gold Medalist and a two-time NCAA Champion, considering the options of becoming the first two-time Olympic Gold Medalist in American history or winning another NCAA Championship.

However, Baron Corbin interrupts Gable and offers him advice. Baron tells Gable to go back to college and win more championships, warning him about the challenges of NXT and the professional wrestling world. Baron believes Gable doesn't belong in NXT and threatens to make him fail if he chooses to stay.

Undeterred, Gable responds that Baron's words only make his decision easier, and he challenges Baron to a match at The Great American Bash. Gable shows his wrestling prowess by hitting a German suplex and an overhead belly-to-belly suplex on Baron.

In the backstage area, Dana Brooke and Keliani Jordan are seen walking, presumably preparing for their upcoming appearance.

Meanwhile, Cora Jade is also seen walking backstage as the show heads to a commercial break.

Dana Brooke (with Kelani Jordan) Vs Cora Jade in a Kendo Stick Match

Dana goes after Cora on the floor, but Cora manages to avoid her kendo stick swing. The referee starts the match, and Dana starts with punches. Cora rolls to the outside, and Dana sends her into the ring steps before using the kendo stick. Dana further punishes Cora by sending her into the apron and even knocking down Booker T at the announce table. Dana then gets her own kendo stick and climbs onto the announce table, but Cora sweeps her legs, causing Dana to crash onto the table. Cora takes control of the kendo stick and strikes Dana with it repeatedly, sending her into the apron and inflicting extra damage with a crossface using the kendo stick.

Cora introduces more kendo sticks into the ring and continues her brutal assault on Dana. She slams Dana onto a pile of kendo sticks, then traps her in the corner with the stick, landing a knee strike. Dana fights back with forearms and clotheslines, executing a handspring back elbow in the corner. Cora counters a bulldog attempt and hits a double underhook DDT for a near fall. Cora brings a chair into the ring, places Dana in it, and tells Kelani to watch. She taunts Dana, telling her to go back where she belongs. However, Cora's focus on Kelani allows Dana to turn the tables. Dana performs a drop toe hold onto the chair and strikes Cora in the ribs and back with it. Kelani hands Dana a special pink kendo stick, and Dana uses it to repeatedly hit Cora.

Dana grabs a chair and places it on the mat, covering it with more kendo sticks. She suplexes Cora onto the chair and kendo sticks. Dana climbs to the top rope and lands a swanton, securing the three-count for the victory.

WINNER: Dana Brooke

Hayes conveys to Ilja that Trick is unhappy with the headbutt incident and is planning to call out Ilja. Ilja responds by stating that he respects their friendship, and if Trick wants to confront him, Ilja is willing to face it. However, he clarifies that he's not seeking a match with Trick.

Hayes reiterates that Trick isn't looking for a match either, implying that this confrontation goes beyond a simple in-ring competition.

Ilja asserts that he will break Trick tonight and also plans to defeat Hayes on Sunday.

After the commercial break, the show returns with Charlie Dempsey training, but things get out of hand, and Drew Gulak has to intervene to separate them. Drew expresses his disappointment, stating that they are meant for speed, not toughness, and their behavior is unacceptable.

Damon Kemp enters the scene and offers to be a training partner for toughness if they are looking for one. Scrypts joins the commentary team for the upcoming events.

Tony D'Angelo and Channing Lorenzo Vs Bronco Nima and Lucien Price

Nima and Channing kick off the match, with Nima placing Channing on the turnbuckles. Channing manages to counter with a kick, but Nima responds with a back elbow. Lucien Price tags in, and they execute a double back elbow, earning Price a near fall. Price misses a stomp, and Lorenzo delivers punches. Price attempts a slam, but Channing intervenes with an uppercut. Tony tags in, focusing on Price's leg with a kick and a double leg takedown, followed by stomps to the midsection. Tony continues with punches while holding Price in a front face lock. Price fights back with a punch, and Nima tags in. Price hits Lorenzo with a knee to the midsection, and Nima follows up with a stomp. Tony retaliates with punches and kicks. Lorenzo tags in, delivering more punches to Nima and kicking Price before executing a dropkick. Tony sends Lorenzo into Price, and Nima experiences hip tosses, leading to a near fall for Lorenzo.

Price tags in, and Nima hits him with a back drop. Price catches Lorenzo and drops him on Nima's knee. Price follows up with a clothesline in the corner, gaining another near fall. He chokes Lorenzo in the ropes while Nima splashes him from behind. Price continues to kick Lorenzo in the ropes and earns another near fall. Axiom interferes, attacking Scrypts, and Lorenzo kicks Scrypts to the floor. Axiom then performs a suicide dive. Price misses a splash, and Tony tags in, unleashing clotheslines on Price and executing a suplex on Nima. Tony delivers shoulder tackles and a spinebuster on Price for a near fall. Lorenzo sends Nima over the top rope and to the floor. Tony and Lorenzo execute their double team move called "Bada Bing" on Price, securing the victory with a three count.

WINNERS: Tony D'Angelo and Channing Lorenzo

Gallus appears on the ShawnTron.

Joe warns Tony not to get too comfortable because things can change in the blink of an eye. After Sunday, Tony's freedom won't mean anything because Gallus will be on top.

Dijak addresses Eddy Thrope, stating that while Thrope survived NXT Underground and acts like he's on top, it doesn't mean he's ready for championship contention. Dijak is also chasing after the same gold and claims to hand out justice with great conviction and reckless abandon, something Thrope cannot overcome.

After the commercial break, it is confirmed that Baron Corbin will face Gable Steveson at The Great American Bash.

A segment shows Blair Davenport filming something for social media at a convenience store when Roxanne Perez attacks her. The two engage in a fight around the store while someone watches the chaos.

Roxanne warns Blair that it's just a taste of what she'll experience at The Great American Bash, and then leaves as the police arrive. Their match will be a Weapons Wild Match.

On Supernova Sessions with Noam 'Bernie' Dar, Lash Legend and others confront Noam Dar about Nathan Frazer holding the Heritage Cup. They present Dar with a Heritage Cup, but Frazer and Dragon Lee interrupt. Frazer accuses Dar of being a fraud, and Lee points out there are two Heritage Cups and two annoying women (Lash and Oro) present. Chaos ensues, with a confrontation between all parties.

Andre Chase motivates Thea ahead of her upcoming match, recalling their recruitment process three years ago and expressing confidence in Thea's abilities. Thea is determined to prove her critics wrong and become the youngest champion in history.

The show also features a look at Humberto Carrillo and Angel Garza arguing in the Most Dangerous Parking Lot in Sports Entertainment, with Carrillo questioning their priorities between chasing women or glory.

Please note that the names and events mentioned in the text may not correspond to real WWE storylines or characters as of my last knowledge update in September 2021.

Rhea Ripley (with Dominik Mysterio) Vs Lyra Valkyria in a Non Title Match

Rhea and Lyra lock up, and Rhea backs Lyra into the corner, giving a clean break. Lyra responds with a side headlock, but Rhea blocks a takedown attempt. Rhea takes control with a side headlock and a shoulder tackle. Lyra counters with a dive, taking Rhea down, and then walks over her. Lyra goes for a victory roll for a near fall. Rhea fights back with a kick to the midsection and a forearm to the back. She sends Lyra into the turnbuckles and delivers a chop. Rhea attempts an Irish whip, but Lyra floats over and goes through her legs, executing a headscissors takedown. Rhea responds with a wheelbarrow into a German suplex, followed by a dropkick that sends Lyra to the floor.

Rhea sends Lyra into the apron and then back into the ring, focusing on Lyra's back. Lyra manages to stop Rhea with her knees and counters with shoulder strikes and forearms. Rhea kicks Lyra when she returns to the ring and chokes her in the ropes. Lyra drops Rhea on the top rope and tries to mount a comeback. Rhea, however, kicks Lyra and delivers forearms to her lower back. Rhea goes for a third forearm, but Lyra goes for a backslide. Lyra gets back on her feet, and Rhea continues her assault with kicks and stomps on the feet. Rhea sends Lyra face-first to the mat for a near fall. Rhea attempts RipTide, but Lyra counters into a rear naked choke and sleeper hold. Rhea backs Lyra into the corner and snap mares her off, using a headbutt to keep control.

Rhea goes up top for a frog splash, but Lyra recovers and kicks Rhea, sending her to the floor. However, Dominik Mysterio intervenes, pushing Rhea out of the way and taking the dropkick from Lyra. Lyra then hits a headscissors on the floor. She goes up top and Rhea catches her, trying for a suplex, but Lyra counters into a DDT. Lyra goes for a frog splash and nearly gets the victory. She follows up with spinning back heel kicks, shoulder strikes, enzuigiris, and round kicks. Lyra also attempts a springboard move, but Rhea stops her with a kick.

Finally, Rhea hits her finishing move RipTide to secure the three-count and the victory.

WINNER: Rhea Ripley

After the match, Rhea Ripley tells Lyra Valkyria to prove herself and defeat Jacy Jayne.

Trick Williams is seen backstage.

The show returns from commercial with an announcement of an eight-person tag match scheduled for The Great American Bash Kickoff Show. They then run through the card for The Great American Bash event.

Trick Williams comes out to the ring and addresses Ilja Dragunov. He tells Ilja that Carmelo Hayes will take care of business on Sunday and put Ilja's jersey in the rafters. Tonight, however, is about Trick and Ilja, and he challenges Ilja to come out for a fight.

Ilja makes his way to the ring, but Trick immediately takes control with a dropkick and forearms to the back. Trick sends Ilja into the ringside barrier multiple times and continues with punches and forearms. Trick slams Ilja and sends him into the ring steps. However, as Trick comes off the steps, Ilja counters with a round kick. Ilja then executes multiple German suplexes on the floor. He sends Trick back into the ring and delivers a barrage of chops. More chops follow, and Ilja shows no mercy.

Trick tries to fight back by grabbing Ilja's foot, but Ilja responds with a falling forearm strike. Ilja sets up for another falling forearm and connects with it. He then places Trick in the corner against the turnbuckles and taunts him, telling Trick that he wanted this fight.

Ilja goes for his signature move, Torpedo Moscow, but accidentally hits Carmelo Hayes with it instead of Trick. Ilja holds the NXT Championship belt and tells Carmelo that he is a man of honor and loyalty. He advises Carmelo to cherish his friendship with Trick because that's all he'll have left after Ilja takes the NXT Championship from him.

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