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AEW Dynamite Results, July 26, 2023: Live Coverage, Winners, Commentary, Recap

AEW Dynamite Results, July 26, 2023: Live Coverage, Winners, Commentary, Recap

Views: 66 | | By Jitu Jangir

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Here are the full results for this Wednesday's AEW Dynamite Episode which is slated to air live on July 26, 2023, from MVP Arena in Albany, NY.

AEW Dynamite airs every Wednesday at 8 pm ET on TBS in the United States. In Canada, AEW Dynamite is available through the TSN website. In India, AEW Dynamite airs on Eurosport every Thursday at 5:30 AM IST.

The show is available on the TSN Direct streaming service at 10 pm Eastern, the same time that the show will air live on TNT and FITE TV.

AEW Dynamite Results July 26, 2023: Highlights

Orange Cassidy Vs AR Fox For The AEW International Title

Fox finds himself in his sixth title match within the AEW, having faced disappointment in four previous Trios Title bouts and a TNT Title match against Samoa Joe last November. Meanwhile, Cassidy is defending his International Title for an impressive 27th time, as Excalibur recounts the numerous injuries he has endured during his reign. Initially, Fox attempts to keep Cassidy grounded, but Cassidy cleverly responds with mind games, placing his hands in his pockets before making a quick exit from the ring, only to be caught by Fox's sudden moonsault to the floor.

Once back inside the ring, Fox showcases his speed, executing a roll-through suplex, which Cassidy skillfully counters with a Stundog Millionaire. Not to be outdone, Fox kicks out of the corner with a leaping cutter and follows up with a twisting brainbuster, coming close to victory. Fox maintains control during a significant portion of the commercial break.

Cassidy refuses to succumb to a third neckbreaker by Fox and the two exchange powerful boots to each other's faces. They both thwart attempts at cutters and eventually find themselves in a double neckbreaker, bringing the match back to square one. Cassidy exhibits his agility by going up and over in the corner and relentlessly slamming Fox's head into the buckle. However, Fox retaliates, sending Cassidy to the outside and executing an impressive somersault dive, followed by a senton back inside, coming close to securing the win.

Cassidy, though, counters the Lo Mein Pain into a dive of his own outside the ring, and then follows up with a spinning DDT inside, setting up for his signature Beach Break. Yet, Fox exhibits incredible resilience, managing to kick out of Cassidy's onslaught. Fox blocks Cassidy's attempt at the Orange Punch, capitalizes on the situation, and positions Cassidy in the corner, delivering the devastating Lo Mein Pain for a near fall.

Cassidy rolls to the apron, and Fox seizes the opportunity to execute a Rolling Thunder, but unfortunately, he seems to have injured his ankle in the process. Cassidy targets the weakened ankle, wrenching at it skillfully, and ultimately manages to secure the victory with the Mouse Trap maneuver.

WINNER: Orange Cassidy

After the match, Cassidy playfully placed his sunglasses on Fox, but Fox reacted angrily and snapped them in half. He then attacked Cassidy, leaving him stunned. Darby Allin, who was at the ramp, screamed at Fox, demanding to know why he had acted that way, but Fox couldn't offer any explanation.

Amidst the chaos, Cassidy tried to recover from the attack when suddenly Jon Moxley stormed through the crowd and delivered his finishing move, the Death Rider, on Cassidy. Commentary, led by Excalibur, brought up Cassidy's involvement in a past match at ROH Death Before Dishonor involving Claudio Castagnoli.

Backstage, Renee Paquette conducted an interview with Chris Jericho and Don Callis. They discussed the fans' desire for Jericho to join Callis' family, and Callis proposed the idea of forming a dream team with Konosuke Takeshita. Jericho seemed hesitant but agreed to give it a try. Callis surprised Jericho with a commissioned artwork depicting their classic 1995 promo with Bad News Allen, and the painting showed Bad News looking down on them from the sky.

A short video snippet featured HOOK walking and sitting in a subway before the train quickly passed by, leaving him gone.

Next, Claudio Castagnoli and Wheeler Yuta appeared in a backstage PSA, warning kids against playing with fire or crossing paths with the Blackpool Combat Club. They also issued a stern warning to Lucha Bros and Best Friends, stating that they would pay for PAC's mistake later that night.

Jack Perry addresses HOOK & the FTW Title

Tony Schiavone introduced the new FTW Champion, who made his entrance with Beethoven's 5th Symphony playing in the background, wearing a new "I Beat HOOK" shirt. Schiavone riled up the crowd to boo Perry, who responded by belittling HOOK, claiming that after one loss, he realized he couldn't hang with the top competitors and was now on a path to nowhere. Perry clarified that when he talked about winning gold in AEW in 2023, he wasn't referring to the FTW Title, but now that he has it, he considers it a legitimate championship. He boasted about being the best wrestler ever to hold the title and took shots at Taz and his allies.

Jerry Lynn then emerged to confront Perry, reminiscing about ECW's influence on the current generation of wrestlers. He warned Perry that his trash-talking would only lead to an ass-kicking. Lynn got ready to fight, but Perry claimed he wasn't dressed for a match and instead challenged Lynn to face him the following week. Perry then left the scene. Renee Paquette later caught up with Britt Baker backstage, inquiring about her reaction to Taya Valkyrie's comments on Collision. Baker expressed her excitement for their upcoming first-time encounter and confidently stated that she would dominate Valkyrie and prove that TBS (Turner Broadcasting System) stands for "The Britt Show."

It seems like next week's episode will feature an unexpected matchup between Jack Perry and Jerry Lynn, a pairing that might not have been predicted by many fans.

Singles Match: PAC Vs Gravity

During his entrance, Gravity actually acted as if he were walking on the moon. PAC brilliantly tried to reintroduce himself to Gravity, as he had been previously known as "The Man That Gravity Forgot." Meanwhile, Taz shoe-horned and briefly serenaded us with John Mayer's 'Gravity.' Gravity used his speed to send PAC to the floor early and attempted to play mind games, only to be hit by a dropkick through the ropes by PAC, who stayed in control throughout the picture-in-picture segment.

Returning from commercial, we saw the Blackpool Combat Club watching from their locker room. Gravity fought out of the corner with a leaping crossbody, but PAC responded with a series of kicks. Both men climbed to the top rope, and PAC connected with an avalanche brainbuster before quickly applying the submission hold, the Brutalizer, for the victory.


Swerve Strickland (w/Prince Nana) Vs Darby Allin (w/Nick Wayne)

After an intense back-and-forth exchange, the Royal Rampage nearly witnessed a repeat of events on Friday, with Allin finding himself on the apron this time. As Strickland dove to the outside, fate dealt him a punishing blow in the form of Allin's Code Red maneuver. Seizing the opportunity, Allin threw Strickland into the steel steps, repositioned them strategically, but Strickland turned the tide by reversing a whip. Allin skillfully cleared the steps, but Strickland, using them as a launchpad, delivered a devastating House Call kick. With this, Strickland took control, methodically targeting Allin's wrist while taunting Wayne in the process.

Executing a roll-through Flatliner and a massive suplex, Strickland showcased his dominance. Both men engaged in a series of roll-up attempts, culminating in Strickland resiliently kicking out of the Last Supper move. Seeking a breather, Strickland rolled to the apron, only to be met with a spear from Allin, propelling them both to the unforgiving outside. As they returned to the ring, Strickland caught a charging Allin mid-air with a knee lift. Undeterred, they continued their fierce battle inside the squared circle, where Strickland unleashed a powerful Swerve Stomp, yet Allin displayed remarkable resilience by kicking out.

Ascending to the top turnbuckle, both competitors sought to gain an advantage. Allin, with a display of agility, executed an avalanche over-the-top stunner, sending Strickland reeling onto the apron. Allin prepared for a daring Coffin Drop, but Strickland cunningly thwarted it by pulling out Allin's feet, culminating in an unreal and visually brutal Death Valley Driver off the second rope onto the edge of the ring.

During the match's critical moments, the referee's attention was diverted by the actions of Nana & Wayne, creating an opportunity for a hooded ring attendant to interfere. This individual violently shoved Allin into the ring post and rolled him back into the ring. Exploiting the situation, Strickland capitalized and connected with his signature JML Driver to secure the hard-fought victory.

WINNER: Swerve Strickland (w/Prince Nana)

The masked man turned out to be AR Fox, who launched a post-match attack on Allin and Nick Wayne. He attempted a move with Allin's skateboard but failed miserably in his endeavor. After the chaos, Prince Nana presented Fox with a Mogul Embassy shirt, which he proudly put on.

Backstage, Renee Paquette interviewed Matt Menard, Angelo Parker, Anna Jay, and Tay Conti, when suddenly Chris Jericho approached them, urging everyone to come into his dressing room. The painting that Don Callis had earlier presented to Jericho was hanging on the wall, but Jericho brushed it aside and inquired about Tay Conti's baby, who she assured was doing well. However, she expressed concern about Jericho's recent behavior.

Parker seemed to have a change of heart about giving back his comb to Jericho, deciding to keep it for the moment. Anna Jay also spoke up, calling Jericho selfish and echoing Hager's sentiment that they couldn't give Jericho their full commitment if he continued on this path. With everyone except Menard leaving, he advised Jericho to quickly figure things out before making his own exit.

Britt Baker Vs Taya Valkyrie

Baker initiated the match with an early headlock, but Valkyrie used her strength advantage to gain control, delivering running corner knees. With her opponent's wrist trapped, Valkyrie unleashed stiff chops and a short arm lariat. However, Baker attempted a misdirection maneuver but ended up awkwardly falling during her execution of the Road to Valhalla move. The crowd expressed their disappointment with boos, and there was some uncertainty whether Valkyrie was meant to execute the move differently. Nonetheless, Baker didn't get up properly, prompting Valkyrie to mount her and deliver strikes before the break.

As they returned from the break, the crowd's boos continued as Valkyrie found herself trapped in a Baker cravat and ate knee strikes. Sent into the corner, Valkyrie stumbled out, and Baker struck with a rip cord move, but Valkyrie astonishingly kicked out at just one count. A forearm battle ensued, with both women exchanging kicks, and Valkyrie eventually lunged for a lariat. Baker attempted the Panama Sunrise, but Valkyrie countered with a Northern Lights suplex. Despite the setback, Baker regained control, attempted the Panama Sunrise once more, and this time managed a two-count.

Baker hesitated while putting on her glove, giving Valkyrie an opportunity to hit a Spear. Valkyrie then sought to execute the Road to Valhalla move, but Baker skillfully countered into the Lock Jaw submission, securing the victory.

WINNER: Britt Baker via submission

The Lucha Bros (Rey Fenix & Penta El Zero Miedo w/Alex Abrahantes) Vs Claudio Castagnoli & Jon Moxley and Best Friends (Chuck Taylor & Trent Beretta)

The explosive showdown between Lucha Bros and Best Friends commenced even before The BCC made it to the ring, igniting a wild brawl involving everyone. Taylor and Moxley continued their fight up the ramp while the rest of the competitors joined in on the floor. Taylor then amazed the crowd with a somersault dive off the stage, landing amidst the chaotic fray.

Inside the ring, Fenix and Castagnoli displayed their skills with a captivating exchange, highlighted by Fenix executing an impressive springboard arm drag. However, he found himself on the receiving end of Beretta's punishing Sexy Chuckie Knee. Moxley entered the fray with a cutter, while Castagnoli cleaned house with a flurry of uppercuts. Fenix managed to tag in Beretta, who sought revenge for a previous chair attack, but missed a knee on Castagnoli. He did connect with a powerful Saito Suplex before attempting a dive, only to be caught by Castagnoli's uppercut in mid-air. Moxley then tagged in and devastated Beretta with a King Kong Lariat before the commercial break.

Beretta displayed his resilience, fighting out of the corner with a well-executed missile dropkick on Castagnoli. He tagged in Taylor, who took down Moxley with a precise Sole Food kick. Moxley attempted to retaliate but was met with a jump knee and German suplex from Taylor. Penta made a blind tag on Moxley and unleashed a Sling Blade and backstabber on Taylor. The action escalated as all six men engaged in a heated slugfest, but the Best Friends decided to give the crowd what they wanted and embraced in a hug.

Moxley and Castagnoli were sent outside the ring, leaving the Lucha Bros vulnerable to a dual piledriver from Taylor and Beretta. However, the Lucha Bros managed to regain control, utilizing superkicks and submission maneuvers. Penta focused on Beretta's arm, expertly applying pressure before hitting his signature Made in Penta move. Castagnoli and Moxley interrupted the pin attempt, pummeling Best Friends with powerful anvil elbows, stomps, and a thunderous powerbomb by Castagnoli on Taylor.

As Castagnoli prepared to deliver a Ricola Bomb, Orange Cassidy's music interrupted, and he took down Wheeler Yuta on the ramp. Cassidy then engaged in a brawl with Moxley, while Beretta mistakenly dropped Castagnoli with a Crunchie, thinking he was the legal man. Despite the chaos, the Lucha Bros intervened and finished off Beretta with their Fear Factor maneuver, securing the victory. Amidst all the mayhem, it was astonishing how Paul Turner managed to keep track of the legal man in the ring.

WINNERS: The Lucha Bros (Rey Fenix & Penta El Zero Miedo w/Alex Abrahantes)

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