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AEW Collision Results, July 29, 2023: Highlights, Commentary, Live Update, Winners

AEW Collision Results, July 29, 2023: Highlights, Commentary, Live Update, Winners

Views: 78 | | By Jitu Jangir

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Here is the live coverage for this week's edition of AEW Collision which is set to take place on July 29, 2023, live from XL Center in Hartford, CT.

AEW Collision starts at 8 PM ET. This is 5 PM PT, 1 AM BST, and 8 AM AEST. The show will run for two hours, so it will end at 10 PM ET.

AEW Collision, July 29, 2023 Lineup

Ladder Match for Andrade’s Mask: Andrade El Idolo Vs Buddy Matthews This is a highly anticipated rematch following their spectacular encounter on the debut episode of Collision. Andrade appeared in new gear, exuding the presence of a Latino powerhouse. Right from the start, both competitors went after each other fiercely, with Andrade gaining an early advantage and sending Matthews to the floor after an intense chop exchange. Showing his agility, Andrade climbed a ladder outside the ring and executed a breathtaking moonsault onto Matthews below.

Andrade took a moment to strategically place multiple ladders inside the ring. Matthews managed to land some strikes, but Andrade responded by propelling him into a ladder before executing his signature three Amigos suplexes. Though Matthews evaded the third suplex, he couldn't avoid a painful hip toss into a ladder in the corner. Andrade then attempted a ladder-assisted double knee attack in the corner, but Matthews cleverly countered by flinging the ladder into Andrade's face.

With the action heating up, Matthews sought medical attention for his shoulder, and during the picture-in-picture commercial break, the doctor appeared to reset Matthews' shoulder into place.

When the broadcast resumed, Matthews displayed sheer aggression, relentlessly throwing Andrade around the ringside area like a ragdoll. He even created a ladder bridge between the ring and the announce table, sending Andrade crashing into it with a forceful flapjack. The two fighters battled on the apron, teasing dangerous falls onto the ladder bridge, until Matthews executed a devastating double-arm DDT onto the ladder.

Matthews then set up a table in the corner of the ring and repeatedly drove Andrade's head into it. Though Matthews attempted to remove Andrade's mask, Andrade thwarted his efforts and retaliated with a knee strike. To Matthews' advantage, Julia Hart, a ringside assistant, produced handcuffs to help him restrain Andrade on the ring post. With Andrade temporarily immobilized, Matthews attempted to strike him with a chair, but Andrade managed to kick the chair into Matthews' face. As Julia Hart tried to intervene, Andrade grabbed the key, unlocked himself, and then used the handcuffs to restrain Matthews. Seizing the opportunity, Andrade once again targeted the mask, but this time Matthews interrupted, resulting in Andrade sending both of them crashing through a table at ringside.

With the stage cleared, Andrade finally secured the victory by retrieving the mask.

WINNER: Andrade El Idolo

Darby Allin Vs Minoru Suzuki

The announcers recapped the recent history between these two fierce competitors, highlighting their run-ins at Forbidden Door and the Royal Rampage events. Allin wasted no time and got a jumpstart to the match, catching Suzuki off guard with a boot that sent him flying off the apron, followed by an impressive suicide dive. Before officially starting the match, Allin even dropkicked Suzuki out of a chair, setting the tone for the intense showdown ahead.

Allin relentlessly delivered a series of strikes to Suzuki, but the tenacious veteran fought back, flooring Allin with a powerful forearm shot. Suzuki took control of the bout, dishing out punishment on Allin and securing a close nearfall with a Penalty Kick. Showing his aggressive side, Suzuki ripped the tape off Allin's waist during the match, adding an extra level of intensity.

When the broadcast returned from a picture-in-picture commercial break, Allin resumed his offensive assault, unleashing a flurry of chops on Suzuki. However, Suzuki demonstrated his unyielding strength by dropping Allin with just one devastating shot to the chest. Despite the setback, Allin mustered the determination to fight back, though Suzuki knocked him down again.

Suzuki, in an interesting display of sportsmanship, offered Allin a free shot, and the resilient young wrestler took the opportunity, landing several strikes on Suzuki before surprising him with a Code Red for a nearfall. Allin attempted a Coffin Splash in the corner, but Suzuki swiftly caught him in a chokehold, making Allin's situation seem precarious.

Refusing to back down, Allin managed to evade Suzuki's infamous Gotch Style Piledriver, turning the tables with a springboard Coffin Splash. Allin then tried to seal the deal with his signature Coffin Drop move, but Suzuki responded swiftly, locking Allin in a rear-naked choke.

However, in a stunning twist, Allin used his wits and agility to roll back and stack Suzuki on his shoulders, executing a flash pin for the unexpected victory in this hard-fought encounter. The audience witnessed an exhilarating match showcasing the resilience and ingenuity of Darby Allin, as he triumphed over the seasoned veteran Minoru Suzuki in this captivating bout.

WINNER: Darby Allin

Samoa Joe Vs Gravity

Gravity skillfully avoided Joe and engaged in some impressive spacewalking before executing a perfect hurricanrana and a flawless lucha armdrag. However, Joe managed to cut him off with a series of well-timed elbows in the corner. As Gravity attempted a daring dive, Joe cleverly spacewalked away, drawing an enthusiastic cheer from the excited crowd and a hearty laugh from myself. Joe concluded the match with a devastating Muscle Buster, leaving everyone in awe of his prowess.

WINNER: Samoa Joe

Bullet Club Gold (Austin Gunn, Colton Gunn & Juice Robinson) Vs Action Andretti, Darius Martin & El Hijo del Vikingo

The match swiftly went to commercial just after it began, and during the break, Bullet Club surprised everyone by pulling out a cardboard cutout of Jay White from under the ring. Upon returning from the break, Vikingo displayed remarkable agility as he managed to evade both Gunns and successfully made a scorching hot tag to Andretti.

Andretti attempted a split-legged moonsault on Colton but unfortunately missed, yet he quickly recovered and delivered a stunning Pele Kick to Austin. He then took down Colton before skillfully dodging a senton from Robinson. Both Martin and Andretti teamed up to launch Vikingo onto all three opponents, who were outside the ring. The Gunns, however, regrouped and regained control, isolating Martin before executing the devastating 3:10 To Yuma finisher to secure the victory.

WINNER: Bullet Club Gold (Austin Gunn, Colton Gunn & Juice Robinson)

Mercedes Martinez Vs Kiera Hogan

Martinez booting Hogan into the corner started the match. Hogan came back with a dropkick off the top rope, but Martinez cut her off with a facebuster. Martinez hit a twisting suplex for a nearfall. Hogan dropped Martinez with a low enzuigiri, but Martinez cut her off on the top rope. She executed a Tower Of London-style neckbreaker for a nearfall before going into a picture-in-picture commercial.

After the break, Hogan connected with a low kick in the ropes for a nearfall. Hogan ran wild with kicks and set up her finisher, but Martinez rolled out and hit a Saito Suplex. Martinez followed up with a running forearm to the back of the neck before locking in the Brass City Stretch for the win. Martinez refused to release the hold after the match, which brought out TBS Champion Kris Statlander for the save. Martinez feigned bailing out before re-entering the ring and dropping Statlander with the title. Willow Nightingale intervened, ensuring Martinez left the premises.

WINNER: Mercedes Martinez

AEW World Tag Team Title Match: FTR (Cash Wheeler & Dax Harwood) Vs Adam Cole & MJF

FTR came out to boos as this crowd firmly supported Cole and MJF. Dueling chants for both teams echoed throughout the arena by the time the bell rang, and Cole started the match against Harwood. FTR managed to cut off Cole after Harwood led him into a Wheeler shoulder block. Cole responded with an enzuigiri before teasing a double clothesline, but Harwood prevented it by holding onto Wheeler.

MJF tagged in and requested Harwood to join him in the ring. He attempted to bash Harwood's groin, but Harwood evaded the attack. As MJF and Harwood went back and forth, an announcement was made that the winners of this match would defend the titles next week on Collision against Brian Cage & Big Bill, who earned a title shot on last night's Rampage. MJF feigned an ankle injury before things got heated with Harwood. The tension escalated between both teams, and the match went to a commercial break.

When the show returned, Harwood had MJF trapped in a Camel Clutch. MJF attempted to escape by aiming for Harwood's sensitive area, but Harwood caught his legs and tagged in Wheeler. MJF surprised FTR with stereo DDTs and then attempted a tag, but FTR managed to prevent it. MJF eventually dropped both FTR members with a double clothesline. Cole was tagged in and dominated the match, landing pump kicks on both opponents and hitting Wheeler with an Ushigoroshi for a nearfall. He also avoided FTR's double team move, but Harwood caught him with a crossbody for a nearfall.

Cole retaliated with a superkick to Harwood, and he and MJF attempted a double clothesline once more. However, Harwood ducked it and tagged in Wheeler. MJF and Wheeler found themselves in a Tombstone position, but Cole interrupted by superkicking Wheeler, enabling MJF to execute his Tombstone for a nearfall.

As they prepared for the Double Clothesline, Harwood pulled MJF out of the ring. Cole got caught by a lariat from Wheeler, and then FTR set him up on the top rope. Cole fought back, knocking both FTR members off the turnbuckle, but Harwood shoved Wheeler into the buckles, causing Cole to lose his balance. FTR then executed the Powerplex for a nearfall.

Harwood allowed MJF to tag in, and they engaged in a series of strikes and pinning attempts. Harwood then delivered the Rebound Powerbomb, seeking a nearfall. He set up the Panama Sunrise on MJF, but Cole intervened, preventing the move. Meanwhile, MJF hit Harwood with the Shattered Dreams for another nearfall that Wheeler broke up.

Cole went for the Boom, but Wheeler countered with a devastating lariat. FTR set up Cole for a Shatter Machine, but MJF pushed Cole out of harm's way. MJF managed to counter the Shatter Machine and set up Wheeler for a Heatseeker Piledriver. Just when it seemed like MJF would secure the victory, Harwood rolled him up from behind to retain the titles.

WINNERS: FTR (Cash Wheeler & Dax Harwood)

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